Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Does Assassin’s Creed Portable = Assassins Creed 2?

I'm just glad that this game will also be released in PSP. Yipeee!! As I don't have a Playstation 3.

Assassin’s Creed Portable is billed as an “exclusive PSP entry into the Assassin’s Creed series” - but will it be essentially the Assassin’s Creed 2 game also due for release for the “holiday” period? Well, if you visit the site then wherever you are in the world you will get treated to the teaser trailer for Assassins Creed 2- but no info to let us know more about Assassin’s Creed Portable. If you visit the home site for the game developers, you can see that the only platforms listed for it are PS3, Xbox360 and PCs.

But the story does not end there, because according to a just-done interview with Sébastien Puel - the producer of Assassin’s Creed 2 - the game will be available on PS3, X360, PC and also on PSP!!

Artwork gives a feel for the setting in Medieval/Renaissance Italy in the 15th century:

And the main character Ezio, has a very sinister medieval look.

In his interview, Sébastien Puel says:

Since a good part of the action takes place in Venice, Ezio is able to dive and swim. . ….Ezio will also have the possibility to blend into any kind of group of citizens in the crowd, making the navigation all the more fun and believable….. The new “climb leap” move gives the player the opportunity to launch himself a couple of meters high in the air while climbing a vertical building to reach a higher ledge that would be inaccessible without this move…..For Assassin’s Creed 2, there will be various new types of gameplay to break and vary the flow of the game and add intense “WOW” moments, one of them involving a certain flying machine that Leonardo Da Vinci conceptualized and developed …….complete interview

You can also view the trailer in the following link: Does Assassin’s Creed Portable = Assassins Creed 2

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